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Welcome to LittleMoochi


Little Moochi knows getting kids to eat healthy is hard- especially when they’re bombarded daily with adverts for sugary treats and fast food. But, before giving in and opening the cookie jar, give our innovative solution a try!

Little Moochi teaches lifelong healthy eating habits by giving kids the opportunity to raise their own virtual pets. It’s as simple as:

Unlike traditional tracking apps, Little Moochi is fun and doesn’t demonize foods. Instead of labeling foods as “good” or “bad”, Little Moochi frames foods in terms of their benefits, so children learn, for example, choose fruit over cake not because cake is “bad”, but because all the vitamins and minerals in the fruit will help them (and their Moochi) thrive. For kids reluctant to try new foods, Little Moochi gamifies the experience by framing it as a “key” to unlocking new levels and upgrades.

Of course, not every family eats the same things. LittleMoochi tailors recommendations reward to all different food cultures. Chinese? We have a limited edition “NeZha” Moochi to showcase the legendary powers of good nutrition!

Little Moochi is now running beta testing, so simply click on the link below to be a part of the journey towards a healthier (cuter) future!

We are excited to announce that we have released the LittleMoochi Beta Version! To download, please scan the QR code or click on this link:

We value any feedback from you so that we can improve LittleMoochi effectively. I'd love to chat about your experience using LittleMoochi: any bugs, anything you liked or didn't like! To whom contact us and willing to share your feedback, we will give you a limited-edition of the Moochi T-shirt as a reward. 

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